Hub City Chess is Back!
Check out the Hub City Chess website at Be sure to “join our mailing list” to get updates. Joey is a great teacher and I highly recommend this club. All ages and levels of chess players are welcome. We play all levels of chess from beginning to advance, with a little bug house and 4 player chess thrown in for fun!
Belen Public Library
We will introduce Hub City Chess to new members and present the benefits offered for being in the club. The goal of this chess club is to inject Belen Community and surrounding areas with chess. Why chess? It is well documented that chess is a powerful tool for developing high order thinking skills, creativity, and memory. So, not only is chess fun, it is also a great way to elevate your mind.
Things you will learn with our club and benefits offered
Learn to play chess following the official rules of US Chess
Learn to notate your game using algebraic notation
Learn how to use a chess clock
Play chess! We will offer blitz, rapid play, standard play and even bug house
Free analyzing of games so you can improve your chess
Monthly learning sessions on tactics, strategies and openings
Access to Chess Life and Chess Life Kids magazines you are welcome to borrow
Play in monthly US Chess rated tournaments
Learn how to become a Tournament Director so you can help host tournaments
Once you learn these steps you can help teach new members that join or club so we can continue to thrive!
This club is FREE to all so please come by and check us out. We have multiple chess sets and chess clocks to play chess with, you are also welcome to bring your own equipment as well.
UPDATE5/6/2022 at Belen Library is now open we will play 2 Saturdays/month Sat 1PM-3:30PM. This is a tentative schedule please check with the facebook page or Hub City Chess website. Check the webpage for for most up-to-date information as well as Facebook page Hub City Chess. We usually play in the back of the library by the Young Adult Section / Community Room. You can also signup for emails “join our mailing list” on this is the best way to know when we are playing as Joey will send out emails prior to the day we play.