Valencia Area Groups

Area Groups

Please send updates or anything you would like to be posted to

Please use subject line: V-HEN updates

Pre-covid area Homeschool families met together every Friday afternoon to allow their kids to play at the different local parks.


Valley Home School Fellowship previously was Calvary Chapel Homeschool Group. The group is changing it’s name and location of meetings. It will now be Valley Home School Fellowship. You can find the group through Valley Home School Fellowship on Facebook.

Valley Home School Fellowship will be meeting at it’s new location on the first Thursday of the month at 10 AM at 1st Baptist Belen (one block west of the Belen Library). Cassie H. sends out emails before and after meetings, get on the email list if you can not attend the meetings. It’s a free group. You do not have to be a member of any church in order to participate in meetings, art classes, field trips, and parties.

Hello VHF Members!

Welcome to a few new names on the email list. Please remember you can always join our facebook group: Valley Homeschool Fellowship for the latest and most updated information. However, I do try to keep the main events sent out via email if facebook isn’t your thing. We’re glad you are here!

First of all, our Thanksgiving Party is this Thursday, November 7, 2020 at 10 AM at First Baptist Belen. (Downtown Belen behind the MVD) Please bring a side or dessert to share. We are having a meal, playing a few games, and having a few giveaways! Hope you can come! Also, we could use some kid sized plastic cups, and some hot cups for tea and coffee (which will be provided).

The following Thursday, November 14, 2020 at 10 AM we are having our last art class of the semester. There will be a ‘show and tell’ the first 20 minutes or so of that class. Kids of all ages are welcome to brings something or tell about something that they think is awesome.

We have two field trips coming up: Dion’s fieldtrip November 20. Contact Janell for more info. You must sign up in advance for this one. Secondly, there is a field trip in the works to Mystery Rock with Heritage Museum. No date has been set for that one yet. Contact Maggy Fitzgerald for more info.


Wondering about about Christian Classical education and Classical Conversations here in Valencia County?

Join me for a Parent Info Meeting to get your questions answered. Our local community provides support, accountability, and encouragement for homeschooling families plus great fine arts projects and interesting science experiments. We want to equip you for the journey ahead!

We will be covering information about all three of our programs (Foundations Ages 4-12) Essentials (Ages 9-12) and Challenge (Jr/Sr High) and you can always find more information at our website check out their website

Here is link to an article in local paper featuring Classical Education in Valencia.


Homeschool Band (updated 6/26/2021)
2020-2021 Band, Guitar, and World Music Drumming registration is now OPEN! The 2020-2021 season will happen, it will just be different.

Registration is open. For more information, visit or contact Brad Bratcher at


The Mid-Rio Grande Home School Band is about to start our 34th season of providing quality music education to students in and around Albuquerque. We offer classes for kids ages 8 and up including Band, Guitar, Recorder, Bucket Drumming, World Music Drumming, Ukulele, and Jazz Band. Classes meet once per week and perform at least twice each year. Tuition is less than private lessons and the kids get to play in groups with other musicians.
Here are some quick links to information about this year.
If your child isn’t sure what instrument they would like to play, they can come meet me and we will find the best fit. Click here to sign up.
For more information, including rehearsal locations, please visit our website. Registration is open and classes start August 16.

In Harmony,

Brad Bratcher
505-506-1328 (posted 7/18/2021)

The Mid-Rio Grande Home School Band aims to enrich the lives of individuals and communities by creating lifelong lovers of all music through instrumental instruction and performance.


Our History – The Mid-Rio Grande Home School band was founded in 1988 by a group of home school parents and Mr. Bart Strohl. Starting with six students, the size of the band has grown to as many as 95. Home schooled students grades 5-12 rehearse in Albuquerque (two locations) and Los Lunas.


Our Structure – Beginning, Intermediate, Concert, Symphonic, and Jazz Bands are available depending on skill and grade level. Guitar Ensemble classes are divided by skill into Guitar 1, Guitar 2, and Guitar 3. Beginning students start in fifth grade (10 years) or older and have very little or no training in music. Students progress through each level as their skills increase. By the time students reach Symphonic Band or Guitar 3 they will be proficient enough to perform multiple levels and styles of music with great musicality and expression. The instrumentation for traditional concert band includes woodwinds, brass, and percussion. Guitar ensemble includes acoustic or classical guitar. Unfortunately, piano, orchestral strings, and electric guitar are not taught.


All groups perform in at least two annual concerts – in December and May. Symphonic, Jazz, and Guitar 3 perform more often and in more public settings. Our groups have performed in a variety of other venues including the VA Hospital, various nursing homes, the CAPE Graduation Ceremony, The River of Lights, and the Roundhouse in Santa Fe.  Several of our band students have been honored to play in the ABQ Youth Symphony Program, NM All-State Band and Orchestras, Albuquerque Symphony Orchestra, the Rio Rancho Symphonic Band, NMMEA District Honor Bands and Solo & Ensemble Festivals, the National Wind Ensemble, and the U.S. Youth Ensemble, which toured Europe. Students have gone on to become professional musicians and music educators.


In Harmony,

Brad Bratcher


Other School Options in the Area

Los Lunas ISD and Belen ISD both offer Family School, a hybrid to homeschool. The kids go to public school part of the week and homeschool for part of the week. Parents are responsible for 50% of the teaching, including Science. I have heard good things about both of them. It is important to signup early as there are limited spots available and those with currently enrolled sibling qualify for spots first. Many of the Belen Family School transition into Infinity HS in Belen, taking a hybrid of college classes while attending Infinity.

Valencia Co also offers a Charter school, School of Dreams (SODA) and several private schools.

If you have something you would like to add to the website or a comment, contact the owner of the webpage:


  1. Barbara February 28, 2020 Reply
    • delcra5 March 3, 2020 Reply
  2. Cyprianna Concini August 16, 2023 Reply
    • delcra5 August 19, 2023 Reply

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