The Education Resource Center (ERC) is getting organized and ready to re-open for the new school year. This LONG email has helpful information about the ERC and resources for homeschoolers. You may even want to pass it along to a friend…
The ERC office and curriculum lending library will re-open
Friday August 4, 2018, 10am-4pm.
ERC Membership costs $15 per school year. Membership is required in order to check out curriculum or supplies from the lending library. Membership is not required to be on the Email Blast list. All memberships renew with the August re-opening, regardless of when your previous membership began. This keeps things simple. No matter when you membership begins, you may check out curriculum for an entire calendar year. Members receive a bright yellow library card to be used each time you check out books. Scholarships are available.
We encourage you to also become CAPE-NM members. (The Christian Association of Parent Educators is the group who hosts the big homeschool convention every April, and who keeps great working relationships with the legislators). Their website has helpful links and information about homeschooling. CAPE members receive a $5 discount on ERC Membership. https://www.cape- nm.org/
Don’t forget to let the state of New Mexico know that you are homeschooling! There is a link to notify the state using an online form: http://www.ped.state.nm.us/ HomeSchools/application.html If you are a returning homeschooler, the deadline to renew your notification is August 1st. If you are a new homeschooler, you have 30 days from the time you begin homeschooling.
The ERC Email Blast is going to become very busy, very soon. Now is a great time to request to be added or subtracted from that list. Simply reply to this message or send an email to the ERC: ERC.GBC@gmail.com If you have friends who want to be added or deleted, please let them know this info.
If you have an educational class, lesson, or activity that may be of interest to homeschoolers, you can advertise through the ERC Email Blast. Simply compose and email directly to homeschoolers, with all of the contact information and send it to the ERC. Your email will be forwarded through the Blast within 1 week. Please note that emails with information in the text of the email are more often read, than emails with the information in an attachment.
You may also bring flyers and brochures to the ERC to be displayed each Friday during open hours.
The ERC will be open on Fridays throughout the school year, with a few exceptions to close for Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s, Good Friday, and the homeschool convention. The ERC closes for summer, June & July.
The Education Resource Center (ERC) is a ministry of Grace Baptist Chapel. It is located in the education building behind the church sanctuary. The address is 12201 Comanche NE. It is between Juan Tabo & Tramway. The church has a blue roof. Of course, everyone is welcome to attend church at Grace Baptist Chapel. You do not have to be affiliated with the church to utilize the ERC.
There is only 1 ERC location. There are other groups that have lending libraries, meeting facilities, and resources by different names. The ERC encourages these fine folks in their endeavor to set up and run libraries and resource centers. We advertise for them and even donate curriculum to them. Just know that homeschool resources are growing in the Albuquerque area, so you have options. Here are a few resources for curriculum, in addition to the ERC:
The Petroglyph Lending Library is located at St Francis Episcopal Church on the corner of Golf Course and Cabezon, in Rio Rancho.
Tidal Wave Books, revised is a used book store that is under new ownership by homeschoolers. A section of their store contains homeschool materials specifically.
Cherry Hills Library is located at 6901 Barstow NE, and stocks some homeschool curriculum.
Homeschool Co-ops/Organizations are a great way to find community and classes. Many co-ops are small and prefer word-of-mouth advertising. The ERC encourages homeschoolers to ask around to see if their own church hosts a small co-op for its members and friends. Here is a list of larger co-ops and organizations who offer classes, who have advertised through the ERC:
Classical Conversations: https://www. classicalconversations.com/
Rio Grande Enrichment Studies (RGES): http://www. riograndeenrichmentstudies. com/
Petroglyph Interactive Co-op: scandelaria@edutrav.org
P.L.A.N.T.: https://www.parentlednetwork. org/
Christian Homeschool Co-op: http://www. christianhomeschoolco-op.org/
Paseo Homeschool Ministry at New Covenant Church: PaseoHS@gmail.com
Homeschool Sports: homeschoolers can play middle school and high school sports with AHSA (Albuquerque Homeschool Sports Association). They compete in the Charter School League in Albuquerque. http://www.ahsasports.org/
Music for Homeschoolers:
Homeschool Band: http://nmhomeschoolband. com/
Sandia Youth Orchestra and Sandia Youth Choir: christinaharoldson@gmail.com
PACT East Mountain Choir: Marguerite Raymond (286-9450) or Selina Blake (281-6151)
Music on the Westside: http://www. musiconthewestside.com/
***There are many other classes, music lessons, sports programs, theater productions that will be advertised through the ERC Email Blast as the instructors organize their school year.
The Education Resource Center (ERC) is a ministry of Grace Baptist Chapel
The Home-Education Resource Center is open on
Fridays 10am-4pm,
August through May (closed for summer June/July)
Location: Community of Grace Church
12201 Comanche NE
Albuquerque, NM 87111
Phone: 505-292-9931
Church Website: https://www.communityofgraceabq.org/
Find Us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/
*As the “Hub” for homeschool communication, the ERC, the ERC seeks to provide emails about educational opportunities for your information only. The ERC and GBC do not necessarily endorse the groups or activities mentioned. Please allow up to 1 week for emails to be sent through the Blast list, in order they are received.