Central New Mexico Community College, CNM offers dual credit classes for homeschoolers. Homeschoolers need to be 15 years old or older with a homeschool transcript. (Transcription programs can be found thru Home School Legal Defense Assoc. as well as several other places on the internet). CNM does not charge tuition for dual credit homeschoolers! You will be responsible for books and fees, if any. CNM now has many classes that are online and do not require students to attend classes on campus. All classes that have a section code of D at the end are online classes. (i.g. ENGL 1110-D01 or ENGL 1110-D11 are online). Updated with the D designation Fall 2019, according to new course codes at CNM. CNM also started adding Real-time online courses, which have a weekly meeting day and time that the student attends through online video, usually zoom. The real-time online classes are ideal for students that benefit from lectures and feedback from an instructor. Here is CNM’s link on dual-credit homeschooling click here You MUST fill out paperwork with your students STARS # from the NM Dept of Education, to ensure that your student is not dropped for lack of payment.
University of New Mexico, Valencia campus (UNMV) located in Tome, NM also has dual-credit class for homeschoolers. Here is a link to UNMV website UNMV dual credit
A third option for those in Albuquerque public school district is College and Career High School thru CNM and APS. Students attend CNM and will graduate with an A.A. and High School diploma. The link for more information is collegecareerhigh.aps.edu